Brickell Homeowners Association
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BHA News

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Addressing Recent Shootings in Brickell and Measurable Steps by City Leaders

The Brickell Homeowners Association (BHA) held a significant meeting today in response to the recent shootings in Brickell. More than 200 residents attended the meeting to ask questions and actively participate in the discussion. The meeting was conducted via Zoom, ensuring accessibility for all residents. A recording of the meeting is available for reference by clicking here.

Here are the actionable steps that have been taken by the Miami Police Department (MPD) and Commissioner Covos' office for District 2, in response to the recent shootings in Brickell:

  1. Increased Police Presence at Corner Club:

    • Requiring the Corner Club to have a police officer present inside the establishment at all times.

    • Placing an additional police officer in the parking lot where the shootings have occurred to enhance security.

  2. Mobile Trailer Deployment:

    • A mobile trailer has been parked on S Miami Ave and 12th Street to serve as an additional police presence and deterrent.

  3. Occupancy Monitoring by Fire Department:

    • The Fire Department will monitor the occupancy load for the Corner Club to ensure that safety protocols are followed.

  4. Police Officer Recruitment:

    • The Chief of Police is actively recruiting police officers from other counties to fill the vacancies and strengthen the police force.

  5. Overtime Hours:

    • The police department is providing overtime hours to the Brickell Police Department to increase patrolling and surveillance efforts.

  6. Code Compliance Investigation:

    • Code compliance will undertake an investigation into the operations of the Corner Club to ensure adherence to regulations and safety standards.

  7. Code Revision:

    • Commissioner Covos will review the code that currently allows businesses to serve alcohol until 5am, taking into consideration the safety and well-being of the community.

  8. Restriction on Alcohol Service:

    • Commissioner Covos will spearhead changes to disallow the serving of alcohol past 5am on school nights to prioritize the safety of students.

Overall, the BHA welcomes these changes and expresses gratitude to the Miami Police Department for their proactive approach and leadership in addressing the recent shootings. These measures demonstrate a comprehensive effort to enhance community safety and security.